Sunday, November 25, 2012


Silence On Learning Intimacy To Understand Divine Excess


            Wow! Well I wrote on Submission before Solitude.  I see that solitude and submission go together and just about all the other disciplines that I have learned so far from the Celebration of Discipline. 

Solitude is that moment alone, that quiet time spent with in silence.  I always have this saying that when God is silent that is when he is loud the most.  Sometimes you say more without saying anything at all. I like to talk about early times in the morning when I do make the chose to spend my first time of the day with God, I find peace.  It is as the angels of God are in caped around me even stronger.  I have notice that when I put God first before I start my day.  I command my whole day to be in alignment with God’s word.  I command a blessed day to go before me.  I have notice that when I am working on my job and taking care of my residents and things are not going the way that I think they should I hear God all the time saying calm down relax Fret not.  Ever since I read (John 14) it is stuck in my head.  The scripture stays in my head every day.  (NIV Do not let your hearts be troubled.) 

            My time in solitude is shooting the basketball around to clear my mind from thoughts that I have hand in my mind.  That time when I am just throwing the ball in the basket I am talking to God about decisions that I need to make.  Other times it is going walking to clear my mind and heart.  I thank God for the time he has allowed me to spend with him.  Those moments are refreshing and exuberating.  Solitude with God helps me to respond better in action and in thoughts in given situations.   Solitude to me feels like God’s warm embrace, like a fluffy pillow hugging me.  I say this to say that I would like that experience that experience over and over again each day of my life.  Sometimes when I walk through the halls to check on my geriatric residents, I feel God massaging my heart.  It is like God reaches to my heart and massages and makes it warm to the people that I take care of.  I love it.  This is another example of my moments of solitude.  Sometimes I can walk pass a person or see a person and can know that God truly loves them it is like I can see a special kind of love from God upon them.   I smile in silence at the wonders of God. 

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post. Especially what you said about God being the loudest in His silence. I think there is a lot of truth to that. God has been teaching me that even when He is silent, it doesn't mean He's not there. This just helped some of my thoughts that I've been having throughout the week. Thanks!
