Sunday, November 25, 2012


Silence On Learning Intimacy To Understand Divine Excess


            Wow! Well I wrote on Submission before Solitude.  I see that solitude and submission go together and just about all the other disciplines that I have learned so far from the Celebration of Discipline. 

Solitude is that moment alone, that quiet time spent with in silence.  I always have this saying that when God is silent that is when he is loud the most.  Sometimes you say more without saying anything at all. I like to talk about early times in the morning when I do make the chose to spend my first time of the day with God, I find peace.  It is as the angels of God are in caped around me even stronger.  I have notice that when I put God first before I start my day.  I command my whole day to be in alignment with God’s word.  I command a blessed day to go before me.  I have notice that when I am working on my job and taking care of my residents and things are not going the way that I think they should I hear God all the time saying calm down relax Fret not.  Ever since I read (John 14) it is stuck in my head.  The scripture stays in my head every day.  (NIV Do not let your hearts be troubled.) 

            My time in solitude is shooting the basketball around to clear my mind from thoughts that I have hand in my mind.  That time when I am just throwing the ball in the basket I am talking to God about decisions that I need to make.  Other times it is going walking to clear my mind and heart.  I thank God for the time he has allowed me to spend with him.  Those moments are refreshing and exuberating.  Solitude with God helps me to respond better in action and in thoughts in given situations.   Solitude to me feels like God’s warm embrace, like a fluffy pillow hugging me.  I say this to say that I would like that experience that experience over and over again each day of my life.  Sometimes when I walk through the halls to check on my geriatric residents, I feel God massaging my heart.  It is like God reaches to my heart and massages and makes it warm to the people that I take care of.  I love it.  This is another example of my moments of solitude.  Sometimes I can walk pass a person or see a person and can know that God truly loves them it is like I can see a special kind of love from God upon them.   I smile in silence at the wonders of God. 


Selfless Understandable Being More In twined Spiritually Stand In Obedience

            Let me start off by saying that submission in any given situation is not always an easy thing. Reading celebration of discipline gave me an understanding that there our acts of submission.  We as humans think that because we are in submission to one area we are committed in all.  Well that is not so true.  Our first act of submission should be to God.  You would think that if we are committed to God then all the other acts would just be easy.  The second submission is to the scriptures of God the third is to our own family, the fourth is to our neighbors in the community that we meet every day.  The fifth is to the believing community, the body of Christ, the sixth is to the broken and despised in every culture and the seventh is to the world that we live, the international community. 

            I read seven acts and was absolutely amazed.  I need to exam myself because I have to be honest and say that I have not been in submission to all seven of the acts.  I ask myself this question, is it possible to be in submission to all of the acts just named?  The answer is yes.

(Luke 1:37) says it best. ((For nothing is impossible with God (NIV)).

            I am working on just one submission at the moment and that is submission to the triune God and his scriptures.  Sometimes I am selfish with the time that I am blessed with, because I do not make time for him like I should.  I would set time to get up early, the alarm clock would ring and I would fall right back to sleep.  Shall I say laziness along with selfishness?  I spoke with a pastor from my church and their advice was simple.  They said if not an hour or thirty min a least ten min you have that to spare.  My thoughts were, how can I be so selfish with ten min.  I owe God more than ten min a day.  I use the excuse that I will make up for it by talking to him all day.  I know in my heart I have to set aside time to spend that quiet moment with him.   

            I know when I do the right thing and not be lazy and make time with God I am more refreshed and free in my heart and mind.  The aim is the freedom itself not the discipline (pg110 Foster).  I ask myself if God said Tori if every time you make times for me I would give you a million dollars.  I would not hesitate to get and spend time with him.  I have to see the importance in God with my spiritual eyes not with the natural.  I have to remind myself that submission is a benefit it establishes my life for the greater good of what will prosper me and those whom God has called me to.  I have to remind myself that submission is not just about me and how I feel, it is about other people and their desires and plans becoming important to me, to give up what I want for the rights of others.  I rejoice for their success and have compassion for their short comings.   Submission is discovering that it is far better to serve our neighbors than to way our own way Pg. 112 Foster.  I understand that submission is not always easy and it is not always hard.  I look at it is asking God to prepare my heart and mind to the calling he has put before me and to ask him to show me the benefit of it.  I shall continue to just ask God for the true benefit of each area of submission.  I prayer is Lord help me to understand and not be selfish.




Friday, November 16, 2012

Safe in my place, Live In Connection In The You Already (R) Divine
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                        When I think of the word simplicity, I think of a few words that I can combine (REST), and (PEACE).  In my mind I think of myself standing on a doc at great lakes and watching the sun slowly set.  Having this visual of the sunset in my mind reminds me that I have to allow God time to mold me and shape me.  The life that I live in God is going to take time and I have to rest in him knowing that thee God may not come when I want him to come but I know that by experience he is always on time. The Word of God tells us, "And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God." (Deut. 28:2 KJV) (Galatians 6:9) New International Version (NIV) Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Matt 6:33) New International Version (NIV) But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.


            In my younger years, I would dress to impress and not be happy with the person that God created me to be.  As I got older I learned through teaching and mentorship that Simplicity had to become me a part of me.  I had to learn that God created me from purpose, for purpose on purpose, with purpose.  I learn that God is a gift to me and I a gift to him. 

            I look over my life from as a child that God had a purpose for me. He gave me the gift of pastors, mentors, friends, and people of wisdom that has been a great impact on my life.  Through this I have learned how to have simplicity and share simplicity with others.  I have learned to be filled with joy the way God has made me.  I have learned that I cannot please people, but only God through faith.  My simplicity also comes from looking in the mirror and reminded myself that God loves me therefore I must love myself and that I have been created with a purpose daily.  I remind myself of God’s scripture of who I am.  (John 1:12)  I am a child of God.  Ephesians 1:3-8 I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child.  (Colossians 2:9-10)  I am complete in Christ.  My simplicity is looking in the mirror and saying I am beautifully and wonderfully made in and out.  My continually discipline will continue to remind myself who I am in God through scripture and thank God for what I do have.


Thursday, November 8, 2012


 Standing To Understand Divine Yielding

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Study to show thyself approved a workmen needed not to be a shamed rightly dividing the word of truth; 2 Timothy 2:15 said it best. 

Study to me is like meditation upon God’s Word.  I got a chance to talk to one of my pastors at church.  They told me how important it is to spend time in God’s word because it is what keeps your mind at peace; it is what protects you when life brings challenges.  When you plant God’s word in you, it will help you to respond to life in ways pleasing to God’s heart. 

 I began meditating on God’s word   (John 14) which says that 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.  14: Believes thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelled in me, he doeth the works.  Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.  At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.   He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.  But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. 

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.  I write these few scriptures because they have helped me stay focus.  When I fear come upon I am reminded in John 14 to not me afraid, to not let my heart be troubled, and to defiantly keep God’s commandments.  God’s word is interesting because studying his word reminds you that when you study God’s word the Holy Spirit will bring things back to your remembrance. The Holy Spirit knows all things.  I have learned that when I study in general whether it is scriptural studying or, school studying God will bring things back to your remembrance.  Going back to speaking to my pastor at church, she reminded me that if I can’t spend thirty min with God, spend some time a least ten min.  Those ten min with God have been the best times of my life; those few moments in God’s word have changed my life.  My plan is to continue to study God’s word by meditating on a passage each day once a week.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Full Access Serving The Inner Nearness (Of) God

When I think of fasting, I think of what I can or cannot have to eat.  Fasting from foods is most beneficial to me.  I look at fasting as putting my flesh under subjection. Fasting from food allows God to work more in my life, because my flesh is silent and my spirit man is more alert to hear what God wants me to do. I have a fasting book that shows you all about the different kinds of fasts that the people did in the biblical days.  I prayed and I asked God what kind of fast I should do. And I kid you not people it was interesting.  It was something that I had wanted to do for a while, but I just did not seek God on the type of fast that I should be doing. In God's word it says is this the type of fast that I have chosen.  (Isaiah 58:6) says it clearer.  Some things in my life needed to be broken.  I really had to seek God on the type of fast so that it could be more beneficial unto the kingdom of God.  I chose not to disclose the type of fast, but it was from food.  It is the obedience not just the sacrifice that God looks at.  If God says tori no meat or no food for this period of time, then that is what God Says. If we do a fast and it is not what God say do then we are being disobedient.  Half obedience is still disobedience.  It is best if we do what God says to do all the way not half way.  I did it for the period of time and then slacked off and had to repent and asked God to forgive me.  I then Asked God to give me another chance.  One thing that I have learned is that fasting is a life style of consecration and dedication unto the Lord.  It is setting aside time to say thank you Lord, I choose you over what I desire because I desire a closer walk with the Lord.  I am going to continue to ask God to help me fast, so that I can draw closer to him.  I would like to fast every week and dedicate a day to him.  I believe that God will receive my dedication and diligence.