Sunday, November 25, 2012


Selfless Understandable Being More In twined Spiritually Stand In Obedience

            Let me start off by saying that submission in any given situation is not always an easy thing. Reading celebration of discipline gave me an understanding that there our acts of submission.  We as humans think that because we are in submission to one area we are committed in all.  Well that is not so true.  Our first act of submission should be to God.  You would think that if we are committed to God then all the other acts would just be easy.  The second submission is to the scriptures of God the third is to our own family, the fourth is to our neighbors in the community that we meet every day.  The fifth is to the believing community, the body of Christ, the sixth is to the broken and despised in every culture and the seventh is to the world that we live, the international community. 

            I read seven acts and was absolutely amazed.  I need to exam myself because I have to be honest and say that I have not been in submission to all seven of the acts.  I ask myself this question, is it possible to be in submission to all of the acts just named?  The answer is yes.

(Luke 1:37) says it best. ((For nothing is impossible with God (NIV)).

            I am working on just one submission at the moment and that is submission to the triune God and his scriptures.  Sometimes I am selfish with the time that I am blessed with, because I do not make time for him like I should.  I would set time to get up early, the alarm clock would ring and I would fall right back to sleep.  Shall I say laziness along with selfishness?  I spoke with a pastor from my church and their advice was simple.  They said if not an hour or thirty min a least ten min you have that to spare.  My thoughts were, how can I be so selfish with ten min.  I owe God more than ten min a day.  I use the excuse that I will make up for it by talking to him all day.  I know in my heart I have to set aside time to spend that quiet moment with him.   

            I know when I do the right thing and not be lazy and make time with God I am more refreshed and free in my heart and mind.  The aim is the freedom itself not the discipline (pg110 Foster).  I ask myself if God said Tori if every time you make times for me I would give you a million dollars.  I would not hesitate to get and spend time with him.  I have to see the importance in God with my spiritual eyes not with the natural.  I have to remind myself that submission is a benefit it establishes my life for the greater good of what will prosper me and those whom God has called me to.  I have to remind myself that submission is not just about me and how I feel, it is about other people and their desires and plans becoming important to me, to give up what I want for the rights of others.  I rejoice for their success and have compassion for their short comings.   Submission is discovering that it is far better to serve our neighbors than to way our own way Pg. 112 Foster.  I understand that submission is not always easy and it is not always hard.  I look at it is asking God to prepare my heart and mind to the calling he has put before me and to ask him to show me the benefit of it.  I shall continue to just ask God for the true benefit of each area of submission.  I prayer is Lord help me to understand and not be selfish.




1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed reading through all of your posts and I think that this was a good one to end on! Submission is a hard discipline, but it is good to know that through this practice freedom can be found. I'm glad I was able to read through all of these because you have left me feeling inspired and your vulnerability and willingness to share has been very encouraging. Blessings!
