Thursday, October 25, 2012





Where do I start, My Spiritual Journey did not began for myself until I turned sixteen. I came to Grand Rapids twelve years ago for the sake of my mom's direction and guidance.  Her plan was to have me go to Bishop Abney church; he is a friend of the family.  Adding to the Spiritual Journey, I was adopted at the age of seven to an African American family who went to church. My mom was the one that kept me in church.  I went to church because I had no chose as a little girl. I went to church because my mom made me. I did not understand certain religious things that Apostolic pastors did like scream and holler and shout and stomp their feet. It was all confusing to me.  Every time we would go I would get tired and sleepy. 

            During my time as a youth I had the opportunity to go to a Christian Elementary School called Bethany Lutheran.  I learned God's word at the school and began to understand God for myself.  My mom saw that I liked the school and she let me go to the Lutheran church where it was much smooth and quiet and sensitive to God's spirit, I did enjoy it better. God blessed me where I did not have to pay for tuition, he blessed me with the Principle first, second and third grade teachers to all are my God parents.  They all were my mentors throughout elementary school. Two years after I was adopted my adopted father walked out on my adopted mom due to problems that they were having between them.  It was from that point that things went downhill I became rebellious at home and at school sports was more important to me instead of my education. I and my mother did not get along very well.  

             In October of the year 2000 my life took a turn. My brother whom my mother adopted died due to sickness.  It hurt me real bad because she had wished that it was somebody else in the family that had died and I assumed that it was me. Her son, my brother was her baby, almost her everything he was what she lived for. My mom’s pastor came to the house and I just broke down.  I didn't want this for my mom.  I didn't want this life for me. I told my mom's pastor that I wanted to do better for my mom and be a better daughter.  A month later after my brother died.  My mom had me already enrolled into job corps, and at the age of sixteen I was headed to the Grand Rapids Job Corp Center. For a few months I was home sick, but God knew what was best for me and me. I and a young lady crossed paths and she introduced me to Earnest Prayer International Ministries. While I was at Job Corps from 2000-2003, I had the mentoring of my church holding me accountable, teaching me the word of God, and showing me around the city of Grand Rapids. After a few months of being at Job Corps I got a chance to let my mom know how I was doing and she literally called my pastor and asked him what did you do to my daughter she sounds different and she is talking about the word of God.  She told my pastor thank you for helping my daughter to stay focus and in church. During those three years I got my high school diploma, GED, Business Clerical Skill and CNA skills and enrolled at GRCC for major studies and also was rewarded money for completion of the Job Corps program.  I say all of this to say that these experiences shaped my spiritual journey and helped me to a better young lady.


This is my Spiritual Journey



  1. Thank you for sharing!!! Remember, God is faithful and just to complete the work He has started in you. ~T.Frye

  2. Wow, what a testimony of God's work in you! It was encouraging to read how God has grown you and strengthened you in these difficult times in your life. It encourages me to remain faithful even when times get tough. Thank you for sharing!
