Wednesday, October 10, 2012


More Ever Dedicated In To Answering
The Inner Omnipotent Nearness

AHHH YES, Meditation, Hearing myself say the word meditation, it brings calmness, to my heart.  When I think of meditation, I think of God’s word.  (Psalms 1:2) which says, But His delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on his law (the precepts, the instructions, and the teachings of God.) He habitually meditates (ponders and studies) by day and by night.

A week ago I had the opportunity to get up early and meditate in prayer, for me meditation in prayer is meditation on God’s word.  It was an awesome experience and a sacrifice in being obedient to his call on that week.  I had to literally drag myself out of bed.  When God said seek him early that he may be found he meant it, He knows for a lot of people that getting up early is something that people hate and dread to do.  That is not me, however when I am tired and God is saying get up early and spend time with me.  I say oh Lord gives me strength I know that you will never put more on me then I can bare.  Lord I ask that you give me super natural strength.

I think that God test us just to see where are priorities are.  He tests us just to see if we see him as important in our lives.  If he can trust us to do small things such as get up early when he knows are schedule, he can then trust us to do more for his Kingdom.  Have I always done this? No, but I am learning the importance of meditation.  In mediation I have learned the peace the calmness the sincerity and most importantly the faith that has increased in me with hearing his voice to follow only.

Going back to last week, that time that I spent with God was laying down all of my worries and fears and getting rid of the things that I know that has held me back from serving God more.  I had to take the time to meditate on his goodness in my life where he has brought me from and where he wanted to take me, to my next assignment in this journey with God.  The question is sooo! How will I continue meditation? I believe for me that it is the constant communion in my heart to the Lord that constant conversation about direction lined up to his will day and night.

One thing that is helping me to meditate more is the women of my church are holding each other accountable to pray for one another to mediate on God’s word for somebody else.

The more I mediate on God’s word the more I get his word inside of me the more I become like him. And then I have God’s peace and assurance.  I say this, keeping God at a distance is not an option if you want to draw closer to him. 



1 comment:

  1. Hey Tori,
    I hope this comment actually posts! I have tried at least three different times and my computer doesn't seem to want to work. :( But I really am enjoying reading your posts and your reflections. Keep it up! It's awesome that you took the extra effort to wake up and meditate. I look forward to reading more from you! Vanessa
