Saturday, October 6, 2012




Come over near to God and away from sin. Began to be leaders of unlimited authority in God, for you have been made unique and brought into being.

Here ye Here ye every one,

I have a confession to make. At a point in my life i was terrified of confessing my sins and the wrong that I committed internally. I learned that over the years of hiding sin and wrong that it only kept me bound and I had feelings of guilt, and shame that kept me in fear. Every time i had done something wrong I would come into church thinking that those who heard from God could see the sin inside of me. Some days I would not even go to church, because I thought that the pastors and leaders could see the sin inside of me. I would tell myself I am going to do better and I needed to get right before I come into the house of the Lord. I saw myself slowing dwindling away. Have you ever heard the saying tired of being tired, well that was me? One day I got tired of being tormented by FEAR False Evidence Appearing Real and I had to let FAITH take hold of me and build me up in Full Alignment In The Holy Spirit. I began to ask the Lord to prepare my heart and mind for the journey that he was going to take me on. I ask God to give me the grace and mercy to begin to walk in boldness and courage, in faith and not fear. I kept quoting 2 Timothy1:7 in the amplified version it says. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice of craven and cringing and fawning fear) He has given us a spirit of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. After I read this scripture in that version, said wowwwwww! Lord I do not want to be a coward and have craven and cringing and fawning fear, Lord I want a calm and well-balanced, and disciplined and self-controlled mind. Lord I need help.
This past week I sought out a pastor in my church for accountability and told them the struggle that I was having I wanted them to pray and hold me accountable, i had told them what God wanted me to do in the process of them holding me accountable. This week has been a good week of confession for me. God has given me the boldness to step out of my comfort zone and talk even to my senior pastor. I have gotten a lot of encouragement and support to press further into God and Obedience. I have come to the realization that when you tell on the devil he releases his hold on you there is a release in the spirit realm that Satan cannot hide anymore in your life. Why? Because you have told on him and sin can no longer hide in the dark and keep you bond which breaks its hold on your life. Sin can only bind you unless you choose to walk in it and not surrender to the Lord/ God.
1 John1:9 helped me understand that God knows already what we have done he is just waiting for us to open our mouths and be honest so that he can cleanse us from all unrighteousness and restore us and forgive us. I want confession to the Lord not to become a ritual but a lifestyle of obedience and humility. My discipline will be in choosing to live in faith and continue to have a trust worthy friend or someone in ministry to hold me accountable to stay focus in the Lord. I have already started the process and we are calling each other each week to hold each other accountable.  2 Chronicles 7:14 says it best. If my people, who are called by my name shall humble themselves, pray, seek, (crave and require of necessity) my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! I love the freedom that you talk about in confessing your sins. It's so true! I like what you said about God already knowing what sins we've committed and He's just waiting for us to confess it to Him. Sometimes it's hard to talk to God about sins even though I know He already knows. I love that you took this step out of your comfort zone and actually talked to someone. Very inspiring.
