Thursday, December 13, 2012

Weakness in students during semester

            The student population area of weakness that I observe was a lack of motivation and procrastination.  In the beginning of the semester every body’s minds were fresh and rejuvenated.  As the semester progressed, students were given homework on top of homework; as soon as they finished one assignment another assignment had to be due the next day, or on the same day.  Depending upon how many classes each student had to take, depended upon the load of assignments. I saw some students becoming overwhelmed with finishing assignments.  Some students became bored of the same routine in classes.   I notice students get bored of having to listen to the professor talk for an hour and half with no interaction with the student.  Shall I say making it fun for the students to learn? 

(Submission) is the discipline that I would suggest to target the area of motivation and procrastination.  Submission causes you to stay (committed) even when thoughts of wanting to quit come.  When you submit, you yield or surrender yourself to the will or authority of another.  As you commit, you perform to do what is required to be successful.  Submission in humbling yourself to perform well, committed to staying in, there is no room for procrastination, because the outcome is of great success.


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