Thursday, December 13, 2012

Discipline for a new believer to practice,

            I would suggest to a new believer the discipline of study.  A new believer needs to understand who they are and why God chose them for his kingdom.  God’s word is what is going to keep the new believer clean. Their minds and hearts are still of a new born baby.  They have to fight the devil with the word of God so that they can grow strong as believers.  When believers are knew their hearts and minds are very sensitive, when they pray, their prayers are heard quickly because they are fresh babies.  God wants them to build their faith so as they become stronger in God their Faith increases and God test them with patience in answering their prayers. 

            I would instruct the new believer to not rush through the bible, but to start off taken their time with studying the bible.  I would suggest that they start from the beginning of the bible reading a chapter a day and meditating on that chapter day and night.  I think that the discipline of study is suitable to a new believer, because before they gave their life to the Lord the world had their mind and heart now the word of God needs their heart and mind to be used for the kingdom of God. 







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